Best and Worst Late-Night Snacks
Whether because of boredom, stress, cravings or physical hunger, there are many reasons people eat after dinner. There’s also a lot of confusion about whether or not it’s OK to eat in the evening and, if so, what is best to eat at that time.
Read on to find out what research and dietitians say about late-night snacking.
What Experts Say About Late-Night Snacking
“If you’re hungry at night, you should eat something,” says Sarah Pflugradt, Ph.D., RD, a family nutrition expert. “Eating at night will not slow down your metabolism, and if you’re smart about snacking, you won’t gain weight either. Do a mental inventory of what you’ve eaten throughout the day and see what you’ve missed. Most often, it’s going to be fruits, vegetables or dairy. If that’s the case, get in that extra fiber and calcium.”
To help stave off evening munchies, be intentional about eating balanced meals of fiber, protein and healthy fats spaced every three to four hours throughout the day. This helps keep blood sugar stable instead of crashing, spiking and leading to cravings at night.
Pflugradt adds that boosting protein intake is also important. And eating more protein during the day is associated with less desire to snack later in the evening, according to a 2022 review in Current Nutrition Reports.
Late-Night Snacking Pros and Cons
While Pflugradt says that snacking in the evening may not be a bad thing, you may also hear that you shouldn’t eat after 8 p.m. or that if you’re going to eat later in the day, you should only eat certain foods. According to 2020 research in Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, it may be timing, quality of food and quantity of food that affect whether late-night noshing has positive or negative health effects.
Eating more calories than your body needs can lead to weight gain over time. Research presented at the 2020 European and International Conference on Obesity found that late-night eaters consume 40% of their daily calories after 6 p.m. Not only that, the quality of those calories wasn’t optimal, with snacks being higher in sugar and fat and lower in fiber and protein.
A 2019 study published in the Journal of Obesity also found that women who had a late-night dinner or bedtime snack tended to be overweight or obese.
Along with weight gain, late-night snacks could adversely affect metabolic health. A 2024 study with over 40,000 participants published in Nutrition & Diabetes, found that eating after 11 p.m. may increase the risk of mortality from cancer and diabetes.
And a 2020 study in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism suggests that eating as late as 10 p.m. may negatively impact metabolic parameters, including glucose intolerance and reducing the breakdown of fat.
In summary, nighttime noshing can often lead to eating more calories and less nutrient-dense foods, which over time can impair blood sugar control and lead to weight gain.
Still, no one wants to go to bed hungry. If you had a small dinner or ate dinner early, you might need a pre-bedtime snack. You can avoid some of these negative outcomes and still eat after 8 p.m. by being intentional in what you’re opting for and choosing nutrient-dense options—snacks that are packed with protein, fiber and healthy fats. This combo slows the rise of blood sugar and is digested slowly, keeping you full.
Here are five of the best—and worst—late-night snacks to consider.
5 Best Late-Night Snacks
1. String Cheese
“A part-skim mozzarella cheese stick is a great late-night snack. It contains about 100 calories and 7 grams of protein. Protein is an important factor for any late-night snack because it keeps you feeling full,” says Lauren Kaufman Aronson M.S., M.Ed., RD, CDN, a pediatric endocrinology dietitian at the Children’s Hospital at Montefiore.
“Or make a mini cheese board,” adds Pflugradt, “A mini cheese board can help you feel like you are getting a pretty substantial snack.”
A mini cheese board can be put together by pairing a couple of cheese cubes with a few whole-grain crackers and adding grapes and some cucumber sticks. By doing so, you get some commonly missed nutrients—calcium and fiber.
2. Nuts
“Walnuts are an awesome late-night snack because they naturally contain melatonin, a compound that supports healthy sleep,” says Lauren Manaker, M.S., RDN, LD, CLEC. “Plus, walnuts naturally contain magnesium, a mineral that can help calm nerve activity and help people get some healthy shut-eye,” Manaker adds.
According to a 2022 study in the Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, walnuts contain the highest amount of melatonin of all nuts. This study also found that raw walnuts have higher levels of melatonin than walnuts that have been processed with heat (roasting), so if you’re eating walnuts as a bedtime snack, eat them raw to help boost melatonin levels.
“Pistachios are full of melatonin, too, which may help you sleep better,” says Pflugradt, “And they also contain fiber and protein to help keep you fuller, longer. Go for the pistachios in the shells to help keep you busy and not go overboard. Choose either unsalted or lightly salted to cut down on sodium.”
3. Greek Yogurt with Fruit
“Greek yogurt contains gut-friendly probiotics and protein to keep you full and stabilize blood sugar,” says Lisa Young, Ph.D., RDN, author of Finally Full, Finally Slim. Young suggests pairing yogurt with tart cherries, which are rich in melatonin. Berries are a great option, too, because they are high in fiber.
Rebecca Clyde, M.S., RDN, CD, a cooking-for-one expert at Nourish Nutrition, suggests making a peanut butter Greek yogurt dip. “Dip crunchy celery, apples or graham crackers into it for a great way to add in some extra fruits and vegetables but also protein to keep you full and satisfied,” says Clyde.
To make the peanut butter Greek yogurt dip, Clyde suggests stirring “a spoonful of peanut butter into plain Greek yogurt—and add a touch of sweetener, like maple syrup or honey.”
4. Popcorn
If you’ve got a salty, crunchy craving after dinner, reach for the popcorn. “Popcorn is a high-fiber snack that can keep you feeling satisfied until the morning,” says Kristen Smith, M.S., RDN, a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. “Just be cautious with what you flavor it with—lay off large amounts of butter and salt. Sprinkle with heart-healthy fats like olive oil or fresh herbs.”
“Buy single-serve bags or portion the popcorn out into a bowl to help keep calories in check instead of mindlessly eating out of the bag on the couch,” adds Smith.
Or give our easy homemade microwave popcorn recipe a try.
5. Whole-Wheat Toast with Peanut Butter
Whole-wheat toast and whole-grain crackers contain complex carbohydrates and fiber, which slow the rise of blood sugar. Pair it with peanut butter, which is filled with protein and healthy fat, and you’ll stay full until the morning.
“Peanut butter contains healthy fats that raise serotonin levels,” says Young. “Serotonin is a feel-good mood hormone that may help you relax.” You can also spread peanut butter on apple slices to satisfy your sweet tooth or fill celery sticks with the creamy goodness if you need a crunchy snack.
5 Worst Late-Night Snacks
1. Pizza
We love pizza and it can be a healthy choice for any other time of the day—just not at bedtime.
“The acidic sauce and high-fat cheese that pizza is made of may cause you to wake up with a stomachache,” says Smith. “Most traditional pizza options offer significant fat and calorie amounts, which may contribute to weight gain if eaten in excess at snack time.”
Fat is digested slowly, so high-fat foods can lead to acid reflux, which is exacerbated if you lie down shortly after eating. Traditional pizza crust is also high in refined carbohydrates, which can impair healthy blood sugar metabolism.
2. High-Sugar Cereals
If you know, you know. There’s definitely a nighttime cereal eaters club—because what’s not to love about cereal? And while a low-sugar cereal may be a healthy bedtime snack option, cereal higher in sugar might not be.
“Eating cereal containing high amounts of added sugar right before bed can cause a spike in your blood sugar and increase insulin levels, causing you to wake up feeling hungry,” explains Smith. “Cereal can be a suitable snack prior to bedtime, but choose high-fiber, lower-sugar options.”
A good rule of thumb is to choose one where the amount of fiber and protein combined is more than the sugar.
3. Chips
Did you know that there are about the same number of calories in 3 cups of popcorn as in just 12 chips? And who eats just 12 chips?
Chips are one of the worst offenders at night because they contain very few nutrients—no fiber and no protein, with some fat from the oil. They are mostly refined carbohydrates, which aren’t great for you, especially at bedtime. Swap the chips for popcorn or whole-grain crackers instead.
4. Candy
It’s common to crave sweets after dinner. If you’re not eating balanced meals throughout the day—or aren’t eating enough calories—it’s no surprise your body wants sugar at night because it’s the quickest form of energy.
But sometimes you crave chocolate because you just want some chocolate—and that’s OK.
Satisfy your craving more healthily by opting for fruit or dark chocolate over candy. Candy is just added sugars with little to no nutritional value.
One ounce of dark chocolate, on the other hand, provides about 15% of your day’s worth of magnesium—a mineral linked to improved sleep—per the USDA. And bonus: There is evidence that eating dark chocolate supports a healthy heart and brain, and can lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes.
5. Spicy Food
“Eating spicy foods at bedtime can cause your heart rate to increase, making it more difficult to fall asleep,” says Smith. “It can also increase the risk for acid reflux and tummy upset throughout the night.”
Heartburn and gas don’t go well with optimal sleep, so skip the wasabi peas and opt for some roasted chickpeas or edamame with sea salt. And if dinner is spicy, have it on the earlier side so your food can digest before you hit the hay.
The Bottom Line
It’s OK to eat after dinner—just choose foods with fiber, protein and healthy fat instead of sugary, greasy foods. Take a look at our Healthy High-Protein Snacks for additional late-night snack ideas. And, if you’re trying to lose weight or manage diabetes, take an inventory of your late-night snacks to determine if they could be pushing you over your calorie or carb limit for the day and holding you back from reaching your goals.